dorinta mea de a ma schimba, de a mai remedia pe ici-pe colo unele aspecte, a primit o grea lovitura de dimineata cand am pierdut din nou autobuzul care trebuia sa ma duca la serviciu! asta se traduce de ceva vreme cam asa: trebuie sa trec prin billa sa iau diverse lucruri pentru colegii de la birou-ca parte a pedepsei pentru ca am intarziat! mie imi place asta-e atata liniste si pace in aeroport la orele alea ale diminetii, incat imi vine sa ma asez pe unul din scaunele din salile de asteptare si sa stau si sa privesc; asa pur si simplu; in dimineata asta, lucrul asta mi-a adus aminte de scena de deschidere din dogma(1999-kevin smith) din care o sa si citez aspectul care ma intereseaza( las in engleza, ca daca ma apuc sa traduc iese urat:)
"Loki: ...Here's what I don't get about you. Why do you feel the need to come to this place all the time?
Bartleby: My friend, because this is humanity at its best. Look at them. All that anger, all that mistrust, all that unhappiness... forgotten for that one perfect moment when they get off the plane. See those two? What the guy doesn't know is that the girl cheated on him while she was away.
Loki: She did?
Bartleby: Twice.
Loki: Nice.
Bartleby: But it doesn't matter right now, 'cause they're both just so relieved to be with one another. I like that. I wish they could all feel that way more often.
Loki: This is why I had to come down here this morning? This is why I had to miss my fucking cartoons? You call me and tell me it's important so I can share in your half-ass obsession with a Hallmark moment?..."